Friday, January 15, 2010


I'll write Helen and Nikki (or Trish and Claire if you'd like a continuation of Among the Lilies) pre-Larkhall, during Larkhall, post-Larkhall. I'll write them on holiday. I'll write them messing around. I'll write them a/u. I'll write them any way you want them. (But only Helen/Nikki or Trish/Claire. No Helen/Fenner or anything else that will me me vomit.)

Just comment and let me know how much you donated, and what you'd like to read. If you'd rather email instead of comment:

Help Haiti Stories Posted:

Alive Like Fire


  1. Hey SD,

    You get a piece of the pie as well. Your protion is $25. You can write a Nikki/Helen story of your choosing.

    Thanks and have fun


  2. Heather, I have been begging you to write Helen/Nikki's first night of passion post-Larkhall for ages and now I OWN YOU! Mwahaha!

    I donated $30 to Clinton/Bush. I emailed you the receipt.


  3. I donated $100.00 to CARE via on 10/19/10 and $25.00 to ARCH (Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti) via the website, clicked on Haiti Animal Rescue Donate Today, also on 10/19/10. I reckon you owe me 12,500 words, SD. Helen and Nikki please. (You owe me nothing, of course. Write the story they ask you to tell. Just no AU).

  4. Hi Stuntdouble,

    My partner and I are good friends of RDG and have donated $500 to The Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders. Now we want to read something hot and sweaty and oozingly romantic about Nikki and Helen.

    You're my favorite, by the way. :-)

  5. Heather (StuntDouble)January 20, 2010 at 8:31 PM

    RDG and Rubia: I am truly overwhelmed by your generosity. I know you would have donated (and probably did already donate) anyway, but this is just mind-bogglingly amazing. Thank you.

    (Give me some guidance, though. Anything special or specific?!)

  6. Everything you write is special.

    As for Rubia, I was talking to her partner and asked her to text me Rubia's personal email address as I only had her work email on my phone. She texted me the address and said that Rubia was all excited because she thought I was about to send her something pervy. So Nikki and Helen can have ALL the fun they want in Rubia's story, right Rubia?

    As for me, I'll repeat my request. Helen/Nikki. Nothing AU. Write what they tell you to. Or just write what you like.

  7. Yes, I am a perv and I want something pervy. I'm certain you will find the perfect balance of substance and perversion, Stuntdouble. You are wonderful! Thank you!!

  8. Hi, Heather,

    5 mins here...I am late in visiting this link, but what a fantastic idea. I made a 50.00 donation to UNICEF, and now I pose this story to you:

    -The morning/ day/ evening AFTER Nikki and Helen's first night of freedom. I think that could be pretty special. Like does Nikki have nightmares? What does she want to do with her first day with Helen? What does the world look like through her eyes and in her heart that day?
    -Please could you make it sugary sweet and/or spicy hot?


  9. StuntDouble (Heather)February 15, 2010 at 3:27 AM

    Hey, 5mins! Your wish is my command!

  10. I like the sound of that!

    Really a great idea, and the fics on the BGR board have been excellent! Thanks for putting yourselves, your brains, your time, your pens to the task.

  11. Hey stuntdouble,

    I honestly do not care if you ever write this story, giving to Haiti is something I would have done at any rate.....but, if you are not inspired to write a "morning after/ day after" story, I would love one where Helen has to comfort Nikki in any sort of scenerio you can come up with.

